Saturday, April 29, 2023

Week 3: Reasoning and Pathways: What I Learned

This week we had quite a bit of reading and a few media items. I enjoyed reading about deductive, inductive, and abductive reasoning. The video attached to the Live Science article, "Deductive vs. inductive reasoning," was very helpful with clear definitions. I truly enjoyed reading about visual problem-solving in Dan Roam's book, "The Back of the Napkin." I took the "Which Color is Your Pen?" Self-Assessment in Chapter 2 (pp. 26 - 27). While reading, I thought to myself that I was probably a yellow pen (highlighter), and it turns out that, based on the self-assessment, I was correct. I also enjoyed the drawing exercise (pp. 20 - 21). Prior to this week, I never thought about solving problems using pictures and now I have a new tool I can use in the future. However, I am curious how Mr. Roam would respond to a blind person that has never actually been able to see with their eyes if they questioned him about how to draw when they are not able to see.

LiveScience. (2012, July 10). Deductive reasoning vs. inductive reasoning. Retrieved from
Roam, D. (2013). The back of the napkin (expanded edition): Solving problems and selling ideas with pictures. New York, NY: Penguin Group.

1 comment:

  1. I also took the "Which color is your pen?'" test and got the yellow pen! Although we both probably don't consider ourselves very artistic, at least when it comes to drawing, I think visual thinking is great. If you gave me a page with a bunch of numbers on a graph or a piece of paper with symbols and pictures representing the same things, I would probably interpret the pictures easier. I look forward to keep learning about and utilizing these new strategies.


Week 3: Reasoning and Pathways: What I Learned

This week we had quite a bit of reading and a few media items. I enjoyed reading about deductive, inductive, and abductive reasoning. The vi...